Born in Bogota, Colombia in 1981, Camilo Carreño Gonzalez is an artist whose creative journey is marked by a profound connection with graphite. His artistic exploration led him to join the international artist group Cane Yo in 2019, where he actively contributes to a supportive community. This collective experience became a catalyst for him to develop a substantial body of work.

Working primarily in small format, Carreño Gonzalez's choice initially emerged as a rejection of the monumental. However, it has evolved into a celebration of the uncanny, the often disregarded, and the overlooked. This shift is deeply influenced by his perspective as an immigrant from Latin America. The small format serves as a conduit for an intimate encounter between the artwork and the viewer, compelling them to approach closely and fully engage with the nuances.

Presently based in Chicago, Illinois, Camilo's art invites viewers to immerse themselves in a world where the intimate details and subtleties of the human experience are rendered with finesse.

Get in touch:


Instagram: @camilo_carreno